Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Errors: Gone Glitch!

Hey Jammers! Today was a normal, glitchy day on AJ. Falling Phantoms isn't working and I get the spins every 5 minutes when something loads. (Reminds me of the Christmas chaos last year - glitches everywhere.) So I log in again on my other account - normal server selection. However, a few moments after clicking Chimbu, I get this...

(click to expand) It says, "Login world error! Reload the page and try again." I reload - and AJHQ just happens to be updating. I sure hope they fix the spins and my annoying Falling Phantoms glitch. They've been doing this for the last few days - let's see how long it lasts.......



  1. the same exact thing has been happening to me. i clicked on a world my buddy is in and it says log in error. then next day i clicked on a world my buddy wasnt in and it says log in error! this is wone glitchy year on animal jam

  2. 2nd comment FTW
    This happens to me a lot " Log in world error" aghh! Especially when im doing adventures which i do a lot its annoying!

  3. my kid said her aj has not been working and its been 1 day now she wants to
    find out what is going on with aj she said she did a code the code was

  4. and she is a member and it is monday she gets her diamonds on tuseday
    and she said she is going to save for a cheetah but she cannot get on
    do any of you guys know a way to do this she is sad every day she was
    crying becuse she love her fox!!!
