Bad Jammers

Here's my list of some awful Jammers, whether they scam or they're just plain mean.

1. kira4: May seem nice but turns on you

2. Jammer19581: says bad words

3. henley117: scams

4. autofrog: scams, and told everyone at my party to report me for no apparent reason

5. TinyNinja4eva: uses the "First person to send me rare den item gets my spike collar!" scam method

6. twinklelightk: using the "send me legend glove and get my glove" scam method

7. BlackButlerAlois: using the "send me the best gift and get my headdress and bow" scam method

8. 181816: sends mean Jam-A-Grams saying "shut up"

9. joe3rd: saying "send me a beta and i send you my bow" scamming

10. rose542992: says mean things like "finally enough of your chitty chatty mouth" Ugh. -.-


  1. You put Rose on there?!

  2. I heard that autofrog scams, so you're right. Cool blog!

  3. Also, I caught henley117 scamming, too! :0

  4. there used to be this guy ( and this is true who created this AWESOME SITE!) a guy HACKED AJ! and he used a hack that is like setting a crime that I WATCHED ON YOUTUBE! THIS Guy is not a member anymore but he ad no name for a seal but his tiger name is ( cuss words are sorried and stuff) Nigga fuckyou!

    1. I have heard about him, but he has a website? I saw a video about him too. I think he is banned though, but thanks for the extra info!


  5. Kira4...? Black Butler Alois? -gasp- Those are names from animes!

    'Kira' is the name of a murdering villain in an anime called Death Note. Alois is a demon in the anime Black Butler. (Alois is freaky o.e)

    I'm just an anime fan XP

    1. Whoah, I didn't know that! I understand little about anime, but that's quite a coincidence!


  6. anonymous, don't say bad words!! OMM!

  7. Does autofrog have a blue fox named Fuzzy Snarkyfox?

    1. Hmmmm.... I'm not sure, to be honest, but I think she does! Why do you ask?

  8. im glad i not their buddies and never met them 0.o
