Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Jamtastic Blog!

Hey guys! I have another exciting AJ Blog - Nytefaerie's Lost AJ Tales and Stories! If you want to see it, click here. It's an awesome place, so don't miss another moment to go!


  1. Aww XD thx Dusk :3 Also, How do ya get rain3ow links XD

    1. Oh, that's easy! Look up "Blogger rainbow links". I'm not sure which site but on one it will give you a code. Then, go to Layout on your blog, click Java HTML thingy, and paste the code. Then, when you mouse over something on your blog, it shall be RAINBOWNESSH! XD Hope that helps, sorry I don't have thee exact link.

  2. XD Its on your blog Down near your copyright area! :3 But Still Thx for it I can't do the link on my blog -.- (dad put parental controls on my laptop) -.- So yea I hope people will just copy and paste it :3 - Nyte

  3. Also how'd ya make it so orginized O.o? I mean the HomelMy Awesome FriendslBad jammers and etc XD Srry O.o - Nyte

    (Nyte™) XD

    1. Oh, those are called pages! You can find their settings in Layout, I think.

  4. -_- Im bad at finding this stuff- Lolz well Music notes to u (happeh) ♫♪♫♪ :3 -Nyte

  5. o.o oh yea is that Brambleclaw o.o? XD -Nyte
